Kaitlin Cwilka. Doesn't that just SOUND like a famous name? She brought her guitar, 2 adorable outfits, and almost her whole family. Um, love that!! Not to mention every picture is perfect. Take a look!
Oh hi, cutest family ever! I was so excited to be able to photograph this fam (: She was a ham, he was such a perfect little model... enjoy the photos!
Taking Samantha's senior portraits were a breeze... she hardly had to do anything but flash a smile! Enjoy a teaser of her Senior portrait session... contact me if you want a session too! sarahlizphotography@gmail.com
I got the wonderful privilege of photographing Sara and Burt's engagement session! I've known Sara since she was a sweet little girl.... and I went to High school with Burt! It was a great experience but also, I swear, I was able to SEE their love while I was editing their photos... enjoy the teaser!
The ocean smell, the hot sun, and starfish galore... all parts of Megan and Brendans wonderful wedding day! I photographed their fabulous wedding on a hot and sunny day in Wilminton, NC. The reception was held at the breath-taking Airalie Gardens- enjoy their wedding day teaser!
A beautiful wedding! It was so nice to be able to be a part of Morgan and Bobby's wedding day. It was a wonderful event... not only because I simply LOVE Morgan and Bobby, but also because Morgan and Bobby held their reception at the NC State Alumni House- the same place where my hubbie and I got married! (: Enjoy the teaser...
I hope you enjoy a little snippit of my photography gig and the stories that go along with it. A place to follow my journey through photography and the amazing people that make my photos fabulous!
Contact me at SarahLizPhotography@gmail.com if you would like to schedule a photo session or have any questions for me. I would love to chat about your upcoming event. Thanks!
COPYRIGHT The photos featured on this blog are for use of SarahLiz Photography only. If you would like to use these photos for any reason please email me at SarahLizPhotography@gmail.com. Thanks!